The book of Special Effects Photography by Michael Langford


1 Available!


An interesting delve into photographic special effects from the days before Photoshop and AI.

Condition: It’s used, with some surface marks on the dust cover, but otherwise in very good condition with no marks, besides a name in the front. It looks like a 1981 print. 
ISBN 10: 0852232098
ISBN 13: 9780852232095

Here’s the blurb and topic list:
A comprehensive visual guide to creating unusual and dramatic images with camera and post-camera techniques, from simple procedures to advanced.

Camera and lens controls
Slow shutter – camera
movement – panning – focus and defocus – zoom – flare – simple optics and pinhole images – wide-angle, fisheye and telephoto – image distortion, anamorphic lens – slit shutter – multiple exposure effects.

Attachments and reflections
Single colour filters – colour combinations, graduated and spot filters – diffusion techniques – diffraction and starburst
filters – multiple image filters – supplementary lenses – reflections – kaleidoscope – screens and masks, double masks.

Lighting and studio
Low and high key – shadow and contrast – mixed colour temperatures – physiograms – coloured sources – unusual light sources – flash and long exposure – filtered flash – high-speed flash – stroboscopic effects – front projection – back projection – effects with projectors – staged images in the studio.

Effects with film
Infra-red film and filters – mismatched film and process – grain effects – line images – manipulated instant material.

Post-camera effects
Sandwiched images – copy manipulations – montage – multiple prints – applied colour – toning – solarization – photograms, cameraless negatives – diazo dye images – emulsion manipulations, painting emulsion on 2D and 3D surfaces – video – photocopy derivations – mixed media.

Cameras, exposure – tripods – hiring equipment – lenses -filters, types and fittings – flash-lighting equipment – studio layout, equipment – film, types and charts, push processing – workroom techniques – darkroom techniques and formulae – electronic media – holography techniques – working as a professional.