About Film Cameras UK…

How it started …

“We” is just me, Ben. I’m an amateur film photographer that got a bad case of the G.A.S upon rediscovering film photography in late 2019, just before the UK Covid lockdowns. Over the next couple years I tinkered with any 35mm cameras I could find in charity shops and from family and friends, often getting them working again and using them for a time, then putting them in a box. I ended up with quite a lot of 35mm camera kit, some home-brew test equipment and tools, and other related paraphernalia. I still routinely check Charity Shops for camera gear and use it for a bit, but the “putting them in a box” when I’m done with them bit stops in 2023, hence filmcameras.uk!

How it’s going …

As I write this, on a Monday afternoon a few days after starting this thing, I hope it’s going to go well. I’ve not sold anything yet, not advertised anything yet or hit any Social Media, and I’m still tweaking the basics.

A little rant, and a promise …

Film Photography equipment prices in the 2020s are getting silly now. Film prices have gone up, because… *points at everything*… reasons. There’s not a lot we consumers can do about wars, factories closing, and materials costs. But Film cameras prices have gone up, MASSIVELY, too, and that seems to be less to do with supply and demand, and more to do with fashion and deliberate price gouging. For example, I absolutely and resolutely refuse to pay £280 for a Pentax ME with 50mm/1.2 and neither – I believe – should you. Hey I LOVE Pentax gear, but come on!

For that reason, one main aim of this site (here comes the promise) is to sell cameras and accessories for what they are worth at the time, never making a massive profit, and with completely honest and straightforward descriptions of what’s being sold. If you think I’m not living up to this moralistic idealism, please let me know.

Other business …

I also run 35mmtees.uk, because I can’t get into a hobby or interest without starting to ‘make’ something for it.

I have a film photos and chat account on Mastodon called @pixelated135. Mastodon is ace I reckon, don’t miss Twitter one bit!. I also have an instagram account of the same name, though imagine being able to use Instragram and actually seeing content from people you follow, and not just sponsored or “curated” content? For that you’ll need Glass (I’m pixelated135 on that too) or one of the other smaller services.