The Darkroom Handbook by Michael Langford


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A comprehensive dark room handbook detail everything needed plus a ton more.

Condition: Used, very good nick, dust cover has a tear in the top middle on the rear.
ISBN: tba
Pages: tba

Here’s the topic list:

Darkroom equipment
The enlarger • Enlarger types • Darkroom layouts • Materials • Chemicals • Papers and films…

Processing your own film
Loading the film tank • Black and white processing • Colour negative processing • Colour slide processing • Washing • Drying • Film care…

Black and white printing
Making a contact sheet • Making a test strip • Enlargements • Assessment • Printing controls • Print finishing…

Colour printing
Making a neg/pos colour contact sheet • Neg/pos enlargement • Assessment • Correction • Making a pos/pos contact sheet • Pos/pos enlargement • Assessment • Correction • Tri-colour printing • Making and using a ring-around…

Basic manipulations
Making black and white slides • Black and white prints from slides • Conversion to line • Using grain • Vignetting • Combination printing • Tone-line • Uneven development • Half-tone screens and overlays • Registration systems • Liquid emulsions • Copying…

Advanced manipulations
Photograms • Using equi-density film • Shape changes • Image distortion • Image diffusion • Line separations • Bas-relief • Colour masking • Shadow masking • Multiple printing • Sandwich printing • Solarization • Posterization • Dye transfer • Pointillism • Silkscreening…

Workroom techniques
Toning • Black and white drawing • Hand colouring • black and white negatives • Hand colouring photographs • Airbrushing • Montage • Hand embroidering photographs • Photo etching • Manipulating instant picture material • Photocopy derivations • 3D images • Colour foils…

Rediscovering old processes
Black and white gum bichromate • Four-colour gum bichromate • Van Dyke brown • Kallitype • Cyanotype • Milk prints

Mixing chemicals • Safety with chemicals • Film brands • Paper types • Formulae • Processing sheet film • Archival processing • Care and materials…

Full explanations of all terms used in the book.